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Kabuliwala Story In English : Kabuliwala Story By Rabindranath Tagore

Short Story 'Kabuliwala'

 Little Mini was five years old and a great chatterbox. She simpiy could not live without chatting all the time. Her mother was often worried about this non stop talking of Mini, and tried to silence her. Her conversation with her father was always very lively.

One day, Mini burst into her father's study room. She put her arm around him and said, "What do you think, Father? Bhola says there is an elephant in the clouds who blows water out of its trunk and that is why it rains!". Before her father could reply she ran to the window, "Ae Kabuliwallah! Ae Kabuliwallah!"

Mini called out to the Kabuliwallah but when he looked at her, she was in terror and ran to her father. She had heard that Kabuliwallahs caught children, put them in their sacks and took them away. The Kabuliwallah came to Mini's house and her father made sure that Mini came out and met him. Soon Mini lost her fear of him and it was ajoy to watch the big bearded Pathan talking tenderly to the little five-year-old.

The Kabuliwallah was now a daily visitor to Mini's house. They would sit and chat for hours and crack jokes with each other.

Once a year, Rehman, for that was the Kabuliwalah s name, would go back to his own country. He would first collect all the money that people owed him before he left. Although Rehman was busy, he always found time to visit little Mini.

One day there was a lot of noise in the street. Rehman had stabbed a man who owed him money. For this crime he was sent to prison.

Time passed and Mini soon forgot her old friend, the Kabuliwallah. She grew up into a very pretty woman. Her father made arrangements for Mini's wedding.

Mini was getting married that night. AS the father was busy in the preparations, a man came upto him and saluted respecttully. At first he did not recognise him.

Soon he realised, it was old Rehman, the Kabuliwallah. Mini's father told him that the marriage ceremonies are going on and he should come on another day.

He was about to leave when he turned around and said, "May I see the little one,


He still thought of Mini as a little girl who came running to him and calling, Kabuliwallah, O! Kabuliwallah." He thought they would talk and laugh as they used to do long ago.

Mini's father told him again that the marriage ceremonies are going on. The Kabuiwallah then gave him a small packet of dried raisins, nuts and almonds for Mini and said, "Give these to the little one. I too have a little one like her and I think of her and bring you this fruit."

Mini's father could not control his tears. He realised that the poor Kabuliwallah was also a father. He called Mini, who came out dressed as a bride. The Kabuliwallah was shocked to see that Mini, the little girl he had known had grown into a beautiful woman. He suddenly realised that his own daughter would have grown up too and broke into tears. Mini's father took out some money and gave it to Rehman and said, " Go and see your daughter and may you have all the happiness.

Mini's father had to cut down the expenses of the wedding. He could not afford the millitary band and the electric lights but he was happy that his money had helped a long-lost father meet his only child once again.


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