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The Clever Fish Story In English With Lyrics : Short Moral Story For Kids To Read Book Online In English

Clever Fish Short Story In English With Moral

Once upon a time two fishes lived in a pond. They were both very bright. Indeed, they were so clever that one was called Great Brain and the other was called Greatest Brain.

Great Brain and Greatest Brain had a good friend, a frog.

Unfortunately, he was not bright at all. In fact, he was so foolish that he was called No Brain.

The two clever fishes liked him, and were friendly towards him, but they often said to each other: 'How clever we are! And how foolish No Brain is!'

No Brain didn't mind this at all. He may not have been clever, but he was a very friendly frog. He liked everyone in the pond, and they all liked him.

One day some fishermen came to the pond and searched all round the bank and in the water.

'There are a lot of fish here,' said the first fisherman.

'Let's bring our nets tomorrow, and catch them all,' said the other.

“We shall have plenty to eat for a week or two!' said the first.

The frog and the fishes heard the fishermen, and decided to have a meeting. They called all the fishes and frogs and sat down together.

'Some fishermen are coming tomorrow to catch us all in their nets,' said Great Brain.

“We must decide what to do,' said Greatest Brain. 'I shall run off to another pond,' cried No Brain.

"You are a foolish frog!' said Greatest Brain. ‘No other pond is as good as this one. Let us stay here and live happily.'

“But what about the fishermen?' asked No Brain. “Tomorrow you'll see!' said Great Brain. “We are clever and the fishermen.

The next day, No Brain and his wife hopped along and hid under a tree on the bank of the pond. Greatest Brain and Great Brain and all the other fishes and frogs swam around in the pond.

The fishermen came, and threw their nets so quickly over the water that all the fishes and frogs were caught. Then the fishermen put the fishes into their baskets and carried them off.

No Brain watched from his hiding place. Then he said to his wife, 'Cleverness is not everything, is it?


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